
About Tidwell Place

Currently, there is 1 home for sale in the Tidwell Place community, listed at $255,000. This spacious property features 2,464 sq ft of living space, a generous 13,350 sq ft lot, and includes 5 bedrooms. With an average market time of just 23 days, it's a great opportunity for buyers looking for a well-sized family home.

Total Active Listings


Average List Price


Average Home Size


Average Price per SQFT


Price Range Distribution

Number of homes per price range in Tidwell Place

Price Ranges

less than $255k (1)
$255k - $254k (0)
$255k - $254k (0)
$255k - $254k (0)
$255k - $254k (0)
$255k+ (0)

Frequently asked questions

As of August 30th 2024 there are 1 homes listed for sale in Tidwell Place.

The average list price in Tidwell Place is currently $255,000, and the majority of available homes are priced between $255,000 and $255,000. Last updated August 30th 2024.

With an average days on market of 22, Tidwell Place would certainly qualify as a hot market.

As of August 30th 2024, there are 0 new homes listed for sale in Tidwell Place

As of August 30th 2024, the average home on the market in Tidwell Place was built in 1954.