
About Windrose

The Windrose community offers a diverse selection of homes, with 25 properties currently for sale. Prices range from $307,900 to $1,125,000, and homes vary in size from 1,873 to 5,289 sq ft. With an average list price of $563,148, this neighborhood is ideal for buyers seeking spacious living in a vibrant community.

Total Active Listings


Average List Price


Average Home Size


Average Price per SQFT


Price Range Distribution

Number of homes per price range in Windrose

Price Ranges

less than $325k (4)
$325k - $472k (21)
$473k - $620k (7)
$621k - $768k (9)
$769k - $916k (3)
$917k+ (3)

Frequently asked questions

As of August 31st 2024 there are 25 homes listed for sale in Windrose.

The average list price in Windrose is currently $563,148, and the majority of available homes are priced between $414,900 and $698,918. Last updated August 31st 2024.

The average time on the market in Windrose is 50 days, which is a strong market...but not necessarily hot.

As of August 31st 2024, there are 0 new homes listed for sale in Windrose

As of August 31st 2024, the average home on the market in Windrose was built in 2002.