2465 OUTLET CENTER DRIVESealy, 77474
Listed 232 daysHome Summary
12.06-acre land near I-10 with city utilities available. Perfect for commercial or residential development.
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Property Type: Land
School District:
Sealy ISDSchool Zones
Next to Main Highway I-10 and near Sealy Center. Direct access to the property from Outlet Center Drive EXIT from I-10. Just 15 mins from Katy, TX. 640 Feet of property on I-10 Access Road and High Visibility. 12.06 ACRES COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE CORNERS OF WARD BEND ROAD, KIRSTEN ROAD AND OUTLET CENTER DRIVE. ALL CITY UTILITIES AVAILABLE. 3 SIDES ROAD. Interstate-10 52,300 VPD
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MLS #290664528Texas Signature Realty